Using Microsoft Word For Work - Features Galore!

Microsoft Word is one of the most popular word processors available on the internet together with Google Docs and Calendar. Microsoft Word has always been recognized for its speed and ease of use however, the company has introduced a variety of new tools to make working with Word even more easy. Word is also among the top popular software on the web for editing, creating printing, sharing and printing documents. If you're not already using Word to accomplish these tasks, you need to be aware of ways to speed up Windows 10 immediately.  AutoCAD 2020 VIPTOOLAZ  will help you speed up Word to accomplish more in a shorter time.Microsoft Word has had a wonderful user interface for many years however, it has seen major changes throughout the years. In actuality, one of the biggest changes is the new interface for Word which is called Microsoft Word 2016. The brand new interface called Microsoft Word 2016, is simpler to use more intuitive, and offers more functionality than the previous versions. One of these improvements is the toolbar with quick-access, which gives you quick access all the tools and options that you need in Word.The toolbar that allows quick access lets you quickly access several different tools and features in Word. You can open the Word Panel and get access to all the features that you often use. From there, you can navigate to the document you have created and save it, or share it with other people. You can also directly to a website using the web browser if you wish to access a specific webpage on the site. This allows you to get more value from your word interface.One of the new features that really took me by surprise was the option to send a PDF document from Word. Previously, this was only available on PowerPoint. You can now upload the document you want to convert into PDF using this new feature. It's a fantastic method professional to share documents they are working on with their colleagues.Another exciting new feature is the Word Speed Save feature. This tool is a must-have for those who use Word often. This feature will allow you to speed up your documents by reducing the time spent switching between keywords, text, and formatting. By using the Word Speed Save feature, you can return to your work quickly and get the job completed faster than you ever have before.All of these features and more are available with the new Microsoft word 2016. If you haven't used the new word interface you must definitely look into the options available. I know that I am a fan of this program and all the add-ons it provides. Visit my blog for more details on how to customize your Word interface to your liking.